InSilico Camino

Project financed
PROGRAM OPERACYJNY Polska Wschodnia oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia działanie 1.1 Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów poddziałanie 1.1.2 Rozwój startupów w Polsce Wschodniej
Project title
InSilico Camino – platforma oparta na AI, wykonująca predykcje in silico eksperymentów in vitro wirusów.
Project goals
The aim of the project is to further develop the current product, leading to the production and providing an innovative service, enabling entering new markets and creating more innovative products. The company’s operational goal and the main result of the project is to implement business activities an innovative prediction service in silico. The purpose of the project effect is to improve the quality of the work of end users. The creation of a concept the product and the service based on it is the result of the real need of the market.
Product innovation will be a platform for simulation of in vitro experiments in conditions in silico, which is:
Project value
1 185 200.00 PLN

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